
10:15 AM, Posted by WhiteYoshiEgg, No Comment

When I made something that I think is worthy of being showed off, I often show it off too much in my opinion. There are up to five places I (have to) show my stuff - Youtube, one or two threads on SMW Central, my German SMW hacking board, and of course this blog. I must seem pretty attention-hungry, don't I? And when I get all those comments in all these places, I often feel like I got too much attention that I actually don't deserve. On the other hand, I don't want to keep all my projects to myself, and I don't want to keep any of the places I post this less up-to-date than the others.

Just wanted to get that off my chest. Now I just have to post this on Youtube, SMWC etc. ... :P

Anyway, here's what I want/have to show you guys, in case you haven't seen it yet.

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