Yeah, that's all I've got to say. I had the feeling I should update this blog again, but since I have nothing worthy of showing, this is all you get. A completely uninteresting and pointless post.
Seriously, I haven't been working on my side hacks (or any hacks, for that matter) that much. I mainly focused on making a Yoshi's Island rankset for SMWC, and after that. I guess I can go on hacking again.
On the topic of side hacks: If you don't like the name of my ASM-filled hack, Not-So-Brutal Mario, feel free to vote for a new one!

Also, I actually do have something to show. Not that interesting, but meh:

The fourth level of NSBM, currently in its beta status. I plan on making this a puzzle-ish level, with a bunch of puzzles related to coins (hence the level name, "Coin Palace"). Also, I've got ideas for 3 more levels, whcih should be enough for a mini-hack like this. If you're lucky, I might release it at C3, which takes place on May 9 and 10.
Wow, that was a pretty long post, considering it was just some kind of filler. That's it though.